- Mon, 12:56: Let’s just say it again. “The interesting thing about Salafi propaganda was its popularity and unprecedented succe… https://t.co/fR9d6DqRMG
- Mon, 14:06: RT @APCOBXLInsider: How will #Brexit influence the power dynamics in the #EU2019? According to #APCO @UKPoliticalNews’ @politicobadger, it…
- Mon, 15:11: RT @EuropeanUni: Here’s the line-up – change-makers in politics, academia and the media ready to discuss the future of Brexit #Brexit #EUIi…
- Mon, 15:14: Conference on Brexit at @epc_eu with an all-star line-up: Jill Rutter, @WeyandSabine, @FabianZuleeg, Sir Ivan Roger… https://t.co/Xz05Xpim8y
- Mon, 15:18: Strong from @WeyandSabine : we see no ownership of the process in the UK. #Brexit @epc_eu
- Mon, 15:22: RT @LitCritBrit: Anyone else pick up on the implication of MP Mark Francois’ disgusting rant about Germans? To me, it drove a coach and ho…
- Mon, 15:24: RT @davidallengreen: This evening the officers’ committee of the Titanic will move an amendment that the iceberg must move away from the sh…
- Mon, 15:35: RT @DmitryOpines: The effort now required of those with decades of expertise to push back, largely in vain, on the inane trade blatherings…
- Mon, 15:40: This is where I am – follow the thread, @nick_gutteridge taking much better notes than me. https://t.co/QHVghVYezK
- Mon, 15:54: The moment we’ve been waiting for at @EPC_EU: Sir Ivan Rogers speaks. For once, he is not the most pessimistic in t… https://t.co/v3CdCSAsd4
- Mon, 15:55: RT @EuropeanUni: Ivan Rogers now – former UK Permanent Rep. to EU – not surprising that we’re in this mess – article 50 well designed only…
- Mon, 15:55: RT @nick_gutteridge: Sir Ivan kicks off his remarks with a good dose of honesty. Says he doesn’t know what will happen next and ‘anyone who…
- Mon, 16:05: RT @jkass99: I just learned the cover art of my book is stolen. This cover was presented to me as an original piece of art by @TCKPublishin…
- Mon, 16:54: RT @EuropeanUni: On to Q+A now. Someone suggests a referendum on the backstop for Northern Ireland – @BrigidLaffan reminds us that Good Fri…
- Mon, 17:03: Sir Ivan Rogers: “We will understand the European Union from outside a damn sight better than we did when we were inside it!”
- Mon, 17:07: RT @nick_gutteridge: Sir Ivan says it’s now likely UK will understand EU better from the outside than it ever did inside. ‘It’s been a huge…
- Mon, 17:15: The truth about the Political Declaration, says @AndrewDuffEU at @EPC_EU, is that it’s not very good. He has tried… https://t.co/EfOTLBjiQm
- Mon, 17:17: RT @laurnorman: On backstop, @WeyandSabine says this not an Irish issue but an EU one. EU invested massively in Ireland peace and Ireland b…
- Mon, 17:30: RT @PoliticoRyan: EU’s Sabine Weyand again: The Brexit Withdrawal Agreement political declaration is “a work of art” because it “bridges th…
- Mon, 17:37: Audience member at @EPC_EU event. “Can we stop behaving like the Judean People’s Front, and start getting out of this mess?”
- Mon, 17:45: Least favourite episode: The Twin Dilemma, part 1. You have the new Doctor physically attacking his companion, and… https://t.co/0YlNcDS5Pz
- Mon, 17:48: RT @anandMenon1: And if it doesn’t, do senior Tories form an orderly line at Robbins’ door to apologise? https://t.co/D29qluTYMk
- Mon, 17:53: RT @adamfleming: And @WeyandSabine has delivered about ten here https://t.co/RYFBnIZaCt
- Mon, 17:55: One of the Prime Minister’s problems, says @jillongovt at @EPC_EU, is that she doesn’t have *enough* tribalism!
- Mon, 18:01: How will EU approach no deal on island of Ireland? @WeyandSabine: We will hold to our principles & commitments, and… https://t.co/ctj72wMbNv
- Mon, 18:36: Briggs may have written only two books, but both are excellent. I liked Leonard’s Dancing the Code and Venusian Lul… https://t.co/6FagoMIGwe
- Mon, 18:47: The White Tiger, by Aravind Adiga https://t.co/n2Hdeg7lYk
- Mon, 19:13: RT @SoupTheStarfish: @nwbrux Anyone else notice how those with privilege, like Graham, always cry victim the loudest when their privilege s…
- Mon, 19:20: RT @MrAComerford: @woodstok2000 @UniqueLikeMe @deeharvey @nwbrux Nope. He was talking about TRAs. (Trans rights activists.) However, hee th…
- Mon, 19:38: RT @SoupTheStarfish: @MrMickS @nwbrux You mean like “trans people are the gender they identity as”?
- Mon, 19:54: RT @AndrewDuffEU: I’ve had a stab at rewriting the Political Declaration, going for more clarity, positive language and a higher scale of a…
- Mon, 19:54: RT @kaliapolitics: Panel discussion on the future of #Brexit at @epc_eu with: Jill Rutter, @WeyandSabine, @FabianZuleeg, Sir Ivan Rogers, @…
- Mon, 19:54: RT @rolandmcs: Ivan Rogers: “Had the public ever been given a vote on successive treaty changes we have to be clear and honest, they’d have…
- Mon, 20:52: RT @simontaylor71: @nwbrux @epc_eu @FabianZuleeg Whenever #brexit gets me down I read @FabianZuleeg to reassure myself that things will nev…
- Mon, 21:52: Risk of no-deal Brexit ‘very high’, says key EU negotiator – I was there; this is accurate. https://t.co/cLlqfzEotB
- Tue, 00:08: RT @MalmstromEU: The duties imposed by the United States on ripe olives from Spain are unjustified, unwarranted and go against the rules of…
- Tue, 08:21: RT @brian_bilston: DUVET Duvet, you are so groovet, I’d like to stay under you all of Tuesdet.
- Tue, 10:09: RT @Channel4News: “There’s no negotiation between the EU and UK, that negotiation is finished.” The EU’s Deputy Chief Negotiator for Brexi…
- Tue, 10:45: What just happened? When time devours its children. https://t.co/bY9FEtwcOy A cri du cœur on the failure of liberal… https://t.co/AkyIJ6RaWt
- Tue, 10:46: RT @dylanpwhite: #NATO needs you: PLEASE VOTE AND RETWEET! Would you use a @NATO flag emoji? + + + + + + + + …
You’re right – the Labour Party haven’t been too clever about this sort of thing in the recent past but they do have a better track record of actually delivering constitutional reform than the Conservatives over the last decades.
The Labour Party can side step some of the acute pain of doing a deal with the SNP by delivering on their policy of a constitutional convention. They get SNP parliamentary support where needed and delay having to strain the fabric of the Union in the short term and in the long term they can expect regional devolution in a way that helps them.
I guess the alternative is that the SNP just sit, like Henry Percy on a hill and watch the Labour Party try to govern England with a minority government. They don’t have to support the Labour Party in order to not support the Tories