- Tue, 12:56: Timothy the Talking Cat reads “Ender’s Game” https://t.co/iCjJ5RW9C8 Spot on.
- Tue, 16:05: On the Loss of Citizenship https://t.co/Rf18IQsxTi @PaulDBurgess reflects on Brexit.
- Tue, 16:34: RT @BlockchainforEU: #BlockchainforEU is unifying the #Blockchain industry’s voices. Learn more about our views on the #EU, #GDPR, our idea…
- Tue, 17:11: Is this Britain’s Macron moment? – POLITICO https://t.co/XxAnqurBKB One of those questions to which the answer is, “Probably not”.
- Tue, 19:38: Tuesday reading https://t.co/tgyRnD4cxG
- Wed, 10:45: Becoming Belgian https://t.co/FKYgEhM7qf @GarethHarding has joined the club.
Oh my! I had to laugh at the Ruthin & District Urdd disco dancers – I’m from Ruthin originally myself, and I guess these girls were about 4 or 5 years younger than me. The interviewer asks how they got started, and the reply is “well, I thought there was a need for more disco dancing in Ruthin, so four of us set up a group!” – funny, that was never something that crossed my mind in Ruthin in the 70s! It was always a pretty quiet place once the shops shut at 5, except at pub chucking-out time 🙂