- Fri, 12:48: RT @DrTedros: At the heart of efforts to #EndPolio are partnerships & commitment. Thanks for your contribution, @DFID_UK #UKaid https://t.c…
- Fri, 12:56: The weird fantasy world of Brexit transition https://t.co/u134Ierj6K Excellent dissection by @iandunt.
- Fri, 13:10: RT @SarahLudford: ‘a bespoke transition is the least realistic of the 3 options & therefore obviously the govt’s favoured policy…this opt…
- Fri, 16:05: The art of election campaigning — auf Deutsch https://t.co/mqCHGvygi4 Explaining #fedidwgugl, etc.
- Fri, 19:35: RT @ColinKahl: “He’ll see everything. He’ll see [Bannon’s] big board!” https://t.co/7BCBCpebms
- Fri, 19:36: Congrats to all finalists and good luck to the awards. https://t.co/bkUMjYRkEu
- Fri, 20:48: The Astonishing Age of a Neanderthal Cave Construction Site https://t.co/3xHqMzqQQi Wow. Just, wow.
- Fri, 21:27: @c_quigley Congratulations! Well done!
- Fri, 21:58: Ros Gatti, we care! #OnlyConnect
- Sat, 10:45: European law will apply ‘for years’ in the UK, says EU judge https://t.co/wZvswUYde8 Yep.
- Sat, 10:49: RT @davidallengreen: Is Britain’s ‘Brexit chaos’ a cunning ploy? (No.) My post at @FT, responding to @POLITICOEurope‘s playful piece. ht…