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Sat, 12:56 : The Church of England Takes on Climate Change—and Generates a 17% Return My former colleague @edwardcmason at work!
Sat, 14:04 : Britain prepares to show its Brexit hand
Sat, 16:03 : RT @JohnnyPixels : @DavidAllenGreen EU lays down a royal flush. UK looks at own cards: Mr Bun the Baker, Pikachu, a Shadowmage, a fireball s…
Sat, 16:05 : There Is No Way to Survive the Trump White House Another brilliant brilliant piece from Matt Tabibi at @RollingStone
Sat, 22:13 : RT @ulrichspeck : Merkel loosing her foreign policy advisor, a key player behind the scenes for many years.
Sun, 05:04 : RT @strobetalbott : Memo to All Sentient Beings Dep’t: “Love helps, too. Lab rats, when snuggled and petted, lived longer.” …
Sun, 10:45 : Why Is Donald Trump Still So Horribly Witless about the World? Good question.