- Wed, 12:20: RT @nick_gutteridge: Commission spokesman: ‘Barnier informed Commissioners that while the talks take place in a constructive atmosphere dis…
- Wed, 12:56: The Making of the Fox News White House https://t.co/ZggcU1Imr4 Grimly fascinating. (Long read from The New Yorker.)
- Wed, 14:36: RT @APCOBXLInsider: The #EU2019 transition raises many questions. Luckily #apcoworldwide provides insights on matters such as #Brexit, #pop…
- Wed, 15:26: Holy shit. https://t.co/1SLRLncE86
- Wed, 16:05: “Parliament is a weird place to be a working class woman. You have to work twice as hard to be heard” https://t.co/1t3Vmr05ej Great piece.
- Wed, 16:18: Oh yeah? https://t.co/a4TIMDdZ4V
- Wed, 17:09: RT @Peter_G_1: @nwbrux So Karen Bradley has shown herself to be a recruitment agent for the dissidents.
- Wed, 17:11: She Slipped Past My Age Filter https://t.co/J0LhniOIsT Awww.
- Thu, 01:22: RT @AlexKane221b: By any yardstick of measurement Karen Bradley is the worst SoS NI has had.
- Thu, 01:23: RT @mikenesbittni: One way or another I have had dealings with the last 13 Secretaries of State for NI. Karen Bradley consistently demonstr…
- Thu, 10:38: RT @HorrorAddictX: Tim Curry behind the scenes of ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ https://t.co/Z5sJWHDMUs
- Thu, 10:45: RT @HenryNewman: A good Brexit deal is within grasp but MPs risk throwing that away in hope that by leaving with no deal, we might be able…
- Thu, 10:59: Meeting in Prishtina with my former colleague, 15 years after she accompanied me to the Belgian Senate! https://t.co/rzzNXD7V6l
I knew there’d been a fair number fighting as, apart from the stereotype Sgt in Gettysburg I’d also read a bit about the Fenian raids years ago, fairly sure Macpherson refers to the recruiting techniques on the docks in Battle Cry as well, but it’s been a few years since I reread that one. Didn’t realise just how many there’d been though.