- Mon, 12:47: RT @bexin2d: Two thing I keep hearing presented as though in conflict with each other but I think are actually not: – The country is becomi…
- Mon, 12:56: RT @MitchellSt: Thread on what has changed between the “Hold 2nd Referendum” petition Jun-16 and the “Revoke Article 50” one that is curren…
- Mon, 13:15: RT @Mij_Europe: An iconic photo. Funnily, senior EU officials in Bxl tell me today that the text these Sherpas were working on didn’t at al…
- Mon, 14:23: RT @bbcdoctorwho: Remembering Patrick Troughton, born #OTD in 1920 #DoctorWho https://t.co/oXaOy1tn45
- Mon, 16:05: RT @MichaelGalanin: Pluto Flyover by NASA’s New Horizons Credit: Image: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI https://t.co/Lz4Q1evrCo
- Mon, 17:11: The boy on the bike https://t.co/m9UTlgEZeH Brilliant reporting by @andrew_r_gray on a civilian shot by US troops during the Iraq war.
- Mon, 18:18: RT @JenniferMerode: No-deal Brexit means British travellers can expect *passport stamps *luggage checks *border guards asking them about th…
- Mon, 19:06: RT @LuukvMiddelaar: My piece on London, Brussels & Irish border in @IrishTimes. @agendapub @tconnellyRTE @JenniferMerode https://t.co/8VVY…
- Tue, 08:42: RT @EUTweetup: Any takers for an early April #eutweetup? Most convenient dates form my side (@ktowens) would be April 1, 2 or 3 https://t.…
- Tue, 08:58: Latest @JonWorth chart now sees No Deal as the most likely outcome. I agree (I have thought so for a long time), bu… https://t.co/xwS4YDvaqr
- Tue, 09:20: Gloomy thread, though @Mjj_europe is more optimistic than the EU officials he has spoken to. I am not; to prevent N… https://t.co/T8B87EqnvA
- Tue, 10:45: @PMDFoster on the problems with a new referendum. https://t.co/dWuTwbbILY
Interesting that The Wasp Factory comes higher than Complicity or The Crow Road, both of which seem a lot “more Scottish” to me (probably because of the travel involved. The locales become part of the plot more than they do in TWF). I suppose it’s partly a numbers game – more people try/buy TWF than the other two?