- Sat, 12:56: RT @gowri_chandra: an older lady asked what I do and I said journalist and she gave me a fist bump and said WE HAVE TO BRING TRUMP DOWN and…
- Sat, 13:15: ‘It is a religion’: how the world went mad for Moomins https://t.co/enM9TtE4WX
- Sat, 13:34: Behind the scenes at the 2019/1944 Hugo announcement video https://t.co/MTMXRhOHYh
- Sat, 14:48: RT @MykeCole: Absolutely brutal re-enactment of Demetrius Poliorcetes’ siege of Rhodes in 304 BC. The reenactors clearly illustrate that de…
- Sat, 17:20: RT @LisaMMcGee: Okay for those asking the Donna Traynor footage in Derry Girls isn’t archive, we shot it, the woman just hasn’t aged in 25…
- Sat, 18:39: Please do. https://t.co/aPGRDWc6qN
- Sat, 19:41: RT @robminchin: Politico have made a tool to see how many British Members of Parliament follow a Twitter account. Interesting that top Brit…
- Sat, 20:01: My week on Twitter : 40 Mentions, 492 Mention Reach, 202 Likes, 80 Retweets, 180K Retweet Reach. See yours with… https://t.co/PUzHaCWu8S
- Sun, 07:49: RT @pmdfoster: The final, inevitable knot in which @theresa_may has tied herself. Good tour of #Brexit talks here by @ShippersUnbound @ca…
- Sun, 10:45: RT @SJAMcBride: Something doesn’t add up in Theresa May’s sudden over-the-top concern for how Northern Ireland is governed. After two years…
- Sun, 10:56: RT @chrishanretty: I wonder how things are going in the parallel universe where David Cameron committed the UK to EFTA membership at the be…
- Sun, 11:24: Belgium! name unromantic and unpoetic, yet name that whenever uttered has in my ear a sound, in my heart an echo, s… https://t.co/BacGrCOTAZ
- Sun, 11:30: RT @greensideknits: @nwbrux Thought of you while reading this yesterday (from Edward Pickering’s “The Ronde”)… a book otherwise very keen…
- Sun, 11:44: RT @Feorag: @nwbrux Careful now! That could start a war.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh brought a Scottish sensibility to Art Nouveau architecture and design. If you’re heading to Glasgow, then I consider his work to be crucial.
The classics are Rob Roy, Lorna Doone, Whiskey Galore, and
I love H.V. Morton’s travel writing. His In Search of Scotland dates from the 1920s/30s, but his stories are an interesting reflection of his times and will help focus on how Scotland has changed.
Lots of people have mentioned John Buchan’s The Thirty-Nine Steps. Most of it is not set in Scotland, though there is a good chunk of it set there. His four most Scottish books are the three Dickson McCunn books (Huntingtower, Castle Gay, and The House of the Four Winds) and John McNabb. They are a product of their time and Buchan’s social class, but, again, they are an interesting window into the Scotland of the early 20th century. Buchan was the son of a Presbyterian preacher who may have headed civilian intelligence in Britain in the 1910s-1930s. He wrote his “shockers” for fun as well as running British Reuters, serving in Parliament, and ending his career as the final Governor-General of Canada. I find him fascinating.
I Know Where I’m Going is a minor classic from the 1940s.
Either the Hitchcock directed or the Robert Powell starring version of The 39 Steps is excellent.
Shallow Grave is set in Edinburgh and really scary.
Local Hero is also great.