- Thu, 12:56: The Story of Caroline Calloway & Her Ghostwriter Natalie https://t.co/4qDnq3v39H I have never heard of these people… https://t.co/pCQ1jnYDmV
- Thu, 16:05: Lost and found: the Beechey Island papers https://t.co/nygkcMjQYV Brilliant account by Alison Freebairn of how she… https://t.co/evG7G61a8G
- Thu, 16:20: Some quite big “ifs” in this thread. https://t.co/BT9krvTkpL
- Thu, 17:11: Who Actually Uses London’s Least-Used Underground Station? https://t.co/JxamxtD1FF About a thousand people a day.
- Thu, 17:14: RT @AlbertoNardelli: Brexit status update. A short thread: – UK has not put forward any concrete proposal/text. A fundamental point that n…
- Thu, 17:22: RT @PadraigBelton: It’s almost like someone’s sending a coded message in today’s Cryptic Crossword https://t.co/2ZVmp7a2Tj
- Thu, 18:46: Two Books About Bloody Sunday, and the case of Soldier F https://t.co/xZ5pEA1gwt
- Thu, 20:48: The day the dinosaurs’ world fell apart https://t.co/crRE4OakUX Boom.
- Thu, 21:57: RT @patrickkmaguire: One Labour MP for a v Brexity seat in the north-east has a nice line on this: “My Labour Leavers are more Labour than…
- Fri, 10:08: RT @katyusha13: This is what the internet was invented for.. https://t.co/b3JVm1SUSB
- Fri, 10:45: Truly historic. https://t.co/WaCEkZca45
Sound words, but like you I am sceptical.