So I met them at the conference I was at in Athens in May and they said, can you speak at a conference for us in Serbia mid-July? and I said, sure.
But they called and said the July date was off. Then they called again last week and said, could I do Montenegro, last week of September? And I said yes, but I was planning to go to a science fiction convention that weekend, so I couldn’t stay for the whole thing.
Then I thought again and emailed them and said, if it’s that big a deal, is there any problem with my asing a speaker’s fee? And they said, well we can’t quite do that, but we can fly you to Dublin from Montenegro and back to Brussels at our expense after you’ve spoken at our conference.
It’s a deal.
Wow. Just wow.
It’s good to hear you’ve reported this to the police; I hope this crazy woman at least gets charged with assault, or something. I mean, we’ve all had times when we felt like punching another motorist, but…
Besides which, I find it difficult to believe your driving could be all that dreadful! Once, when I was learning (in the instructor’s car, so big red L plates everywhere) someone overtook me on the right … as I was turning right. Now that’s the sort of driving that (almost) deserves a punch in the mouth.