Rather a good Seventh Doctor story, with Ace returning to the Doctor/Benny setup, and mysterious and murderous goings-on in orbit around the planet Lucifer, but in a setting invoking many of the more space operatic Who stories – particular shout-outs to Colony in Space and Caves of Androzani, but various others are also referenced. Lots of incidental characters who almost all get decent treatment (in narrative terms). We also have the reunion of the Doctor and Benny with an older, hardened Ace. Both authors went on to greater things than this, but it is a good start.
Posted via LjBeetle
The Oracle of Bacon gives me a Bacon number of 2 for both Hartnell and Pertwee:
Jvyyvnz Unegaryy jnf va Wbfrcuvar naq Zra jvgu Qbanyq Fvaqra
Qbanyq Fvaqra jnf va Onygb jvgu Xriva Onpba
Wba Cregjrr jnf va Pneel ba Pbyhzohf jvgu Errq Znegva
Errq Znegva jnf va Onygb jvgu Xriva Onpba
Unless you believe voice-acting roles don’t count?