On mature reflection…

…just watched last weekend’s Doctor Who again, thanks very much indeed to who handed me the videotape in a pre-lunch rendezvous on the back steps of the European Parliament which surely would have passed muster with any decent intelligence agency.

Look folks, I apologise, I take it all back. It’s very different watching it comfortably on the TV compared to squinting at a jerky downloaded version. It was good. Having Davina, Trinny, Susannah and Anne Robinson doing themselves was a stroke of brilliance, Captain Jack was great, Rose was great, the Doctor was great and the last five minutes were (as I even grudgingly admitted first time round) fantastic.

I still hate cute anthropomorhphic robots, but at least these ones got their HEADS BLOWN OFF. And Russell T Davies seems to have got over his pacing problem.

Also, as someone unsportingly pointed out on a friends’ friends list, the plot was full of massive holes. But it was very much fun to watch. , thanks once again.

In tribute to the whole concept I finished the evening by re-watching the last half of the last episode of Frontier in Space, the only Doctor Who series I own on video. (And the only DVD I own is The Green Death which closed that season.) That moment when the Daleks first appear – still great. And yet so 1970s.

I’ll be on a plane on Saturday night when the last episode is broadcast. Question is, can I wait until Sunday evening to watch it?

One thought on “On mature reflection…

  1. *laughs* It only now struck you that this was madness? But it’s been a cool project!

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