Pleasant surprise

My history of science days, and especially my PhD thesis, are long behind me now, so it was rather pleasant to get not one but two emails about it this morning.

One was from a scientist with an Irish name in Hong Kong, doing research on the obscure figure of William Doberck, a Danish astronomer who worked at the observatory in Markree Castle, Co Sligo, in the late 19th century. I couldn’t offer him any more direct information apart from what’s already in my book, but I did pass on to him a couple of contacts in the Irish amateur astronomical community who are into historical stuff.

The other was an invitation to a one-day conference on the history of science in Ireland, due to be held on 24 June at the Senate House in the University of London. Even though I haven’t written anything on it since 1999 I am still one of the top six or so names in the field. I replied saying that I doubted I could really participate, though I will look in on it if I happen to be passing through London that day.

So, a nice feeling of nostalgia. As far as that field is concerned, I may be gone but I am not forgotten.

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