
Well, as guessed, the mysterious pronunciation of “divisive” by Tom Daschle was, in fact, di-VISS-ive /dəˈvɪsɪv/ – so far of 76 people who’ve taken my poll, precisely one shares that pronunciation; and she is Swedish. It’s seven each for di-VIZZ-ive /dəˈvɪzɪv/ and di-VIZE-ive /dəˈvaɪzɪv/, with a certain Belfast/Baltic bias for the first, and a slight Scottish preference for the second, but nothing too systematic. I’m with the 80% who say di-VICE-ive /dəˈvaɪsɪv/. So perhaps we have established a distinct Stockholm/South Dakota pronunciation of the word.

For the other variant, the “trap/bath” split, basically the question being do “crass” and “class” rhyme for you, we who think they do rhyme outnumber youse who think they don’t rhyme by two to one. There’s a fairly obvious southern England grouping who pronounce the two vowels differently, joined by the odd Australian, and a few dissident Americans, Scots, and Irish (including, er, my brother). There’s an interesting Wikipedia article about this here.

One thought on “Pronunciation

  1. As far as Coode Street goes, any of the November-December episodes will probably be of interest to you because they have a lot of ‘summing up the year’ and awards talk. #32 has a really interesting discussion about Heinlein. But really they’re all part of one long conversation, and listening to one of the really early ones around May-June and one of the later ones will give you some idea of what it’s all about.

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