Gerry Kelly (Sinn Fein) 8,747 (28.6% +3.4%)
Alban Maginness (SDLP) 4,950 (16.2% -4.8%)
Fred Cobain (UUP) 2,154 (7.1% -4.9%)
Marjorie Hawkins (Alliance) 438 (1.4%)
Marcella Delaney (WP) 165 (0.5% -0.1%)
Lynda Gilby (Vote for Yourself Rainbow Dream Ticket) 151 (0.5% +0.2%)
Alas, the Alliance vote here has slumped far below even my poor effort of 4% in 1996. Similar swings to elsewhere, no big surprise.
Roy Beggs (UUP) 8,462 (26.6% -9.8%)
Sean Neeson (Alliance) 4,869 (15.3% +2.8%)
Danny O’Connor (SDLP) 1,695 (5.3% -2.0%)
James McKeown (Sinn Fein) 828 (2.6% +0.1%)
David Kerr Vote for Yourself Rainbow Dream Ticket 147 (0.5%)
After Wilson unexpectedly ran Beggs close last time, not at all surprising that the DUP took this seat. Note drop in SDLP vote not matched by corresponding rise for SF – my bet is that Alliance, who basically chose the wrong candidate last time, are benefiting from a peculiar Northern Ireland version of a tactical unwind.
Reg Empey (UUP) 9,275 (30.1% +6.9%)
Naomi Long (Alliance) 3,746 (12.2% -3.6%)
Deborah Devenny (Sinn Fein) 1,029 (3.3% -0.1%)
Mary Muldoon (SDLP) 844 (2.7% +0.3%)
Alan Greer (Conservative) 434 (1.4% -0.8%)
Joe Bell (WP) 179 (0.6% +0.3%)
Lynda Gilby (Vote for Yourself Rainbow Dream Ticket) 172 (0.6% +0.4%)
PUP vote divides roughly equally between the Unionists; I suspect some tactical voting by Alliance supporters for the UUP, but it’s still a better result than Naomi got in the Assembly election; interesting to see a rare up-tick in the SDLP vote and a corresponding down-tick for SF, in the constituency where the McCartney sisters have been most visible.
Nuclear winter theory is sound.