Short Trips: A Day In The Life, ed. Ian Farrington
Even Dogs in the Wild, by Ian Rankin
Paper Girls, by Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang
Last books finished
Cuckoo Song, by Frances Hardinge
Watership Down, by Richard Adams
The Apex Book of World SF: Volume 4, ed. Mahvesh Murad
Brother and Sister, by Joanna Trollope
Last week’s audios
The Waters of Amsterdam, by Jonathan Morris
Next books
Cauldron, by Jack McDevitt
The Collected Stories Of Arthur C. Clarke
Independence Day, by Peter Darvill-Evans
Books acquired in last week
Antares, Épisode 1, by Leo
Nemesis, by Philip Roth
Likewise, Dalek and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
At times, the Ninth Doctor reminded me of the “Brilliant!” kid from The Fast Show. His opinion of humanity veered from extolling everything they did as “brilliant” to denouncing us all collectively as “stupid apes”.
Despite a very winningly goofy grin, Christopher Ecclestone was a very serious Doctor who brief tenure revived the franchise. And at The Doctor Dances I found myself crying a bit. His emotional release was infectious.