Non-fiction 6 (YTD 64)
Dawn of the New Everything: A Journey Through Virtual Reality, by Jaron Lanier
The Night of the Doctor, by James Cooray Smith
Fanny Kemble’s Civil Wars, by Catherine Clinton
The Day of the Doctor, by Alasdair Stuart
Dispatches from Chengdu, by Abdel LeRoy
Charmed in Chengdu, by Michael O’Neal (did not finish)
Non-genre 4 (YTD 21)
Demon Copperhead, by Barbara Kingsolver
Keats and Chapman Wryed Again, by Steven A. Jent
Letters from Klara, by Tove Jansson
Death Notice, by Zhou Haohui
SF 7 (YTD 146)
The Bruising of Qilwa, by Naseem Jamnia
Ocean’s Echo, by Everina Maxwell
The Cartographers, by Peng Shepherd
Foundryside, by Robert Jackson Bennett
Rupetta, by N.A. Sulway
Shorefall, by Robert Jackson Bennett
What Not: A Prophetic Comedy, by Rose Macaulay
Doctor Who 2 (YTD 27)
Extraction Point, by MG Harris
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor, by Steven Moffat
Comics 2 (YTD 23)
War of the Gods, by Nick Abadzis et al
A Doctor in the House?, by Jody Houser et al
5,600 pages (YTD 70,500)
11/21 (YTD 126/288) by non-male writers (Clinton, Kingsolver, Jansson, Jamnia, Maxwell, Shepherd, Sulway, Macaulay, Harris, illustrators of War of the Gods, author and illustrators of A Doctor in the House?)
3/21 (YTD 39/288) by a non-white writer (Zhou, Jamnia, Shepherd)
1 reread (Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor)
352 books currently tagged unread – down 7 from last month.
Reading now
Nine Black Doves – Volume 5: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny
Living with the Gods, by Neil MacGregor
Leave Me Alone, by Murong Xuecun
Coming soon (perhaps)
Breakfast at Tyranny’s, by Nick Abadzis et al
About Time 9, by Tat Wood
Doctor Who: Earthshock, by Ian Marter
Earthshock, by Brian J. Moss
The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos, by James F. McGrath
A Life of My Own, by Claire Tomalin
2024, by Robert Durward
No, But I Saw the Movie, ed. David Wheeler
Politics: Between The Extremes, by Nick Clegg
The Road to Amber — Volume 6: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, by Adam Rutherford
“Even the Queen” by Connie Wilis
Winter, by Ali Smith
Wyrd Sisters, by Terry Pratchett
Life Ceremony, by Sayaka Murata
Cart and Cwidder, by Diana Wynne Jones
Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System, by Nick Montfort
My Real Children, by Jo Walton
One Foot in Laos, by Dervla Murphy
Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka
Jaren van de olifant, by Willy Linthout
A Long Day in Lychford, by Paul Cornell
The New Machiavelli, by H. G. Wells
Land of the Blind, by Scott Gray et al
Tristram Shandy, by Laurence Sterne
The Hidden Lives of Tudor Women, by Elizabeth Norton