
One of my colleagues has sent around this news item, with the heading “Ethnic Group of the Month”:

ADYGEYA PRESIDENT MEETS WITH SHAPSUGS: Khazret Sovmen met on May 25 in Maikop with representatives of the Shapsug community from neighboring Krasnodar Krai, reported. The Shapsugs expressed gratitude for 500,000 rubles ($18,513) he donated to help finance the publication of the newspaper “Shapsugiya.” That paper was first published 15 years ago and currently appears twice a month in a print run of 3,700, according to an article by its editor Anzor Nibo on the website. The Shapsugs are a tiny ethnic group, numbering approximately 10,000, related to the Adygs (Cherkess); they speak a dialect of Adyg.

Well, I’m glad to hear it.

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