It is six months today since B moved out; we were told yesterday that she is now at the point where they will move her from her current accommodation, an hour’s drive from us near the Dutch border, to the much closer residential centre where she stayed for respite a couple of times during the summer. She seems in reasonable form at the moment (which of course is why they are now talking about moving her); she had had a very unhappy patch a few months ago, but has returned to a more even keel.
For the rest of us, it has been six months of adjustment to a new family situation, tough occasionally but generally an improvement: far fewer messes to clear up, no constant vigilance on the bathroom and kitchen, much greater freedom for us to go on family outings (most often, of course, to see B up in Limburg). Sounds like she will move in the middle of next month, if the everything is right, and then we will be able to see her more flexibly: maybe even bring her back home for the occasional heavily supervised curry. It’s all a process of adaptation…
I don’t know what to think. I attended the last Fantasycon, talked with both Stephen Jones (because I’ve met him before and think he is a good guy) and David Howe (by accident-he talked to me Saturday evening about what I thought of the weekend and of the past Fantasycons I attended) and wasn’t at the awards ceremony (we headed home that morning).
I did vote via a link on an e-mail I got from Fantasycon organisers and didn’t think it was hard to do so, but it’s possible a lot of people thought the e-mail was just about the event or about books available, etc. I confess I hadn’t even heard of some of the nominees, but that could be due to me not being hip to the new releases. Plus, I don’t get to read as many books as I’d like to anyways.
I did say to Mr. Howe that I thought a move to Corby was odd and preferred Brighton (and why I preferred Brighton over Nottingham). And, Stephen Jones did mention that the conflict between the 2013 Fantasycon and the 2013 World Fantasycon was going to be “interesting”.