Spaceships and time travel

I see that Interaction has put the opening and closing remarks from last year's Hugo ceremony on-line (49 MB WMV file). To be honest I'm not sure that this was all that smart. It is, after all, in competition in the same category as "Dalek", "Father's Day" and "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances". While those who were there will remember it fondly as an entertaining and witty frame for a jolly good evening, it doesn't really improve on re-watching. Though Kim Newman's line about "the then-secret Grand Bombe Atomique, the weapon which allowed France to prevail in the Great War of August 1914 to later that afternoon in August 1914" still raises a laugh.

(I see the Nebulas are being announced tonight.)

While tonight's Doctor Who didn't pack the same emotional punch as last week's, and the plot was rather ripped off from Tom's Midnight Garden, I still enjoyed it. I thought Sophia Myles was superb. Only at one point, as the Doctor was pretending to be drunk, did I feel we had strayed into "Coupling" territory.

But next week there will be Cybermen!

Afterwards and I went outside – and I brought F downstairs – to see if we could catch the International Space Station, supposedly visible from 2154 to 2159 at our location according to the wondrous Sky and Telescope site. I'm pretty sure we were looking in the right direction but the sky was still too bright. Oh well, there's always tomorrow evening from 2219 to 2222.

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