
Thanks, everyone for your supportive responses to the previous post. I have now dealt with the Afghans, got almost all the way through the EU visas, and left the Azerbaijan report in better hands. So there is a sense of progress. Off for dinner with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung now.

One thought on “Thanks

  1. Back when you were casting around for opinions, several people asked for your requirements.

    Now it’s clear that your important requirements include:

    • Long battery life.
    • Reliably syncs contacts, e-mail and notes with Microsoft Outlook.
    • Stores many days worth of e-mail.

    Had you known this back then, I think more people would have recommended a Blackberry over Android.

    (Of course, it’s very hard to know what your requirements really are until you’ve had experience with a device. Many requirements only become apparent after days or weeks of experience. If only there were some way you could try for an extended period before committing.)

    I believe that on HTC phones you can ameliorate the battery life problem by acquiring a spare battery or two. Otherwise, you need to learn your ABC: Always Be Charging.

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