The 2018 Hugo and 1943 Retro Hugo finalists for the Artist categories

Sometimes these are quite easy categories to sort out – it's always helpful if there is one artist that stands out from the crowd for good or bad reasons. This time for Best Professional Artist (2018) I have found it much more difficult – all of the artists on the final ballot are very good, and sufficiently distinct that it's quite difficult to give them a comparative rating. So I'm actually going to go from top to bottom of my ballot, rather than bottom to top, because I don't have much to say about any of them but I have more to say about the ones I like.

1) Kathleen Jennings
2) Bastien Lecouffe Deharme
3) Sana Takeda
4) John Picacio
5) Victo Ngai
6) Galen Dara

I found it much easier to rank this year’s finalists for Best Fan Artist.

1) Geneva Benton
2) Maya Hato
3) Likhain
4) Spring Schoenhuth
5) Grace P Fong
6) Steve Stiles

Most of the 1942 artists are easy enough to track down on ISFDB, which helpfully holds copies of all the magazine covers in its archive. The exception was Edd Cartier, who I had to hunt through the annoying interface of Pinterest, but it was worth it.

1) Edd Cartier
2) Virgil Finlay
3) Hannes Bok
4) Margaret Brundage
5) Howard W. McCauley
6) Hubert Rogers

Your mileage may vary.

2018 Hugos: Novel | Novella | Novelette | Short Story | Related Work | Graphic Story | Dramatic Long | Dramatic Short | Professional Artist & Fan Artist | Series | Young Adult | Campbell Award
1943 Retro Hugos: Novel | Novella | Novelette | Short Story | Dramatic Short | Fan Artist

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