The DWM top 200

Doctor Who monthly’s latest issue publishes the results of a reader poll of all 200 Doctor Who stories to date, ranked in order of popularity. (The article also includes scores for the two Dalek films and other ephemera, but never mind that). The top stories are difficult to argue with, though I am sorry that the best of the black and white era doesn’t feature higher. The bottom of the list is impossible to dispute, with The Twin Dilemma coming last by a very significant margin.

There is plenty of discussion going on elsewhere, but my idea for turning this into a meme is to do the list with the stories which you think should be ranked much higher in blue and the stories that you think should be ranked much lower in red, for whatever definition of "much" you feel happy with. (LJ’s rich text posting will let you do this; also there’s always the option of typing <font color="red">…</font> and <font color="blue">…</font> around the text you want to alter). I’ve cut-n-pasted the list from here, but also added which Doctor is in each story. If you haven’t seen all of them, I encourage you to do this anyway but just put the ones you haven’t seen in italics.

001. The Caves of Androzani. (5)
002. Blink. (10)
003. Genesis of the Daleks. (4)
004. The Talons of Weng-Chiang. (4)
005. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances. (9)
006. Human Nature / The Family of Blood. (10)
007. Pyramids of Mars. (4)
008. City of Death. (4)
009. The Robots of Death. (4)
010. Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways. (9)
011. The Girl in The Fireplace. (10)
012. Turn Left. (10)
013. The Stolen Earth / Journeys End. (10)
014. Remembrance of the Daleks. (7)
015. Dalek. (9)
016. The Seeds of Doom. (4)
017. Terror of the Zygons. (4)
018. The Evil of the Daleks. (2)
019. Earthshock. (5)
020. The Deadly Assassin. (4)
021. Power of the Daleks. (2)
022. Army of Ghosts. (9)
023. Web of Fear. (2)
024. Silence in the Library. (10)
025. Tomb of the Cybermen. (2)
026. Horror of Fang Rock (4)
027. Last of the Time Lords (10)
028. The Ark in Space (4)
029. The War Games (2)
030. The Curse of Fenric. (7)
031. The Invasion (2)
032. Inferno. (3)
033. School Reunion (10)
034. The Daemons (3)
035. The Impossible Planet (10)
036. Spearhead From Space. (3)
037. The Daleks. (1)
038. The Five Doctors. (1,2,3,5)
039. The Green Death (3)
040. The Brain of Morbius (4)
041. Fury from the Deep (2)
042. The Daleks’ Master Plan (1)
043. Midnight. (10)
044. The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1)
045. Doctor Who and the Silurians (3)
046. Revelation of the Daleks. (6)
047. The Time Warrior (3)
048. The Christmas Invasion (10)
049. Fathers Day (9)
050. The Sea Devils (3)
051. Terror of the Autons. (3)
052. Tooth and Claw. (10)
053. Logopolis. (4)
054. The Unquiet Dead. (9)
055. The Tenth Planet. (1)
056. The Fires of Pompeii. (10)
057. The Aztecs. (1)
058. The Three Doctors. (1,2,3)
059. The Abominable Snowmen. (2)
060. The Mind Robber. (2)
061. An Unearthly Child. (1)
062. Carnival Of Monsters. (3)
063. Rose. (9)
064. The Shakespeare Code. (10)
065. Marco Polo. (1) – I’m actually watching the recon of this at the moment, and it is really good.
066. Smith and Jones. (10)
067. The Stones of Blood. (4)
068. Rise of the Cybermen. (10)
069. Kinda. (5)
070. The Keeper of Traken. (4)
071. Day of the Daleks. (3)
072. Enlightenment. (5)
o73. Image of the Fendahl. (4)
074. Gridlock. (10)
075. The Time Meddler. (1)
076. Ghost Light. (7)
077. The Visitation. (5)
078. The Ice Warriors. (2)
079. Planet of the Ood. (10)
080. Survival. (7)
081. Warriors Gate. (4)
082. The Curse of Peladon. (3)
083. The Unicorn and the Wasp. (10)
084. Planet of Evil. (4)
085. The Masque of Mandragora. (4)
086. The Massacre. (1)
087. State of Decay. (4)
088. Castrovalva. (4)
089. Planet of the Spiders. (3)
090. The Ambassadors of Death. (3)
091. The Sontaran Stratagem. (10)
092. The Mind of Evil. (3)
093. Resurrection of the Daleks. (5)
094. The End of the World. (9)
095. The Androids of Tara. (4)
096. The Hand of Fear. (4)
097. The Romans. (1)
098. Partners in Crime. (10)
099. Planet of the Dead. (10)
100. The Crusade. (1)
101. Full Circle. (4)
102. Mawdryn Undead. (5)
103. The Sontaran Experiment. (4)
104. Frontios. (5)
105. The Ribos Operation. (4)
106. Robot. (4)
107. The Next Doctor. (10)
108. The War Machines. (1)
109. The Pirate Planet. (4)
110. The Awakening. (5)
111. The Seeds of Death. (2)
112. The Moonbase. (2)
113. Frontier in Space. (3)
114. Voyage of the Damned. (3)
115. The Runaway Bride. (3)
116. The Face of Evil. (4)
117. Black Orchid. (5)
118. Planet of the Daleks. (3)
119. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. (7)
120. Snakedance. (5)
121. Destiny of the Daleks. (4)
122. The Faceless Ones. (2)
123. The Android Invasion. (4)
124. Vengeance on Varos. (6)
125. The Two Doctors. (2,6)
126. The Myth Makers. (1)
127. The Rescue. (1)
128. Death to the Daleks. (3)
129. The Claws of Axos. (3)
130. Revenge of the Cybermen. (4)
131. Invasion of the Dinosaurs. (3)
132. Aliens of London. (9)
133. Mission to the Unknown. (no Doctor but during first Doctor’s era)
[The Ultimate Foe (6)]
134. Planet of Fire. (5)
135. Doctor Who The TV Movie. (8)
136. 42. (10)
137. The Macra Terror. (2)
138. The Idiots Lantern. (10)
139. The Enemy of the World. (2)
140. The Doctors Daughter. (10)
141. Boom Town. (9)
142. The Trial of a Time Lord. (6)
143. New Earth. (10)
144. The Reign of Terror. (1)
145. The Highlanders. (2)
146. Battlefield. (7)
147. The Sun Makers. (4)
148. The Mark of the Rani. (7)
149. The Leisure Hive. (4)
150. The Lazarus Experiment. (10)
151. The Celestial Toymaker. (1)
152. Evolution of the Daleks. (10)
[Terror of the Vervoids (6)]
153. Love and Monsters. (10)
154. The Ark. (1)
155. The Invasion of Time. (4)
156. The Wheel in Space. (2)
157. The Chase. (2)
158. Edge of Destruction. (1)
159. The Smugglers. (1)
160. The Keys of Marinus. (1)
[Mindwarp (6)]
161. Attack of the Cybermen. (6)
162. The Savages. (1)
163. Planet of Giants. (1)
164. The Invisible Enemy. (4)
165. The Long Game. (9)
[The Mysterious Planet (6)]
166. The Krotons. (2)
167. Nightmare of Eden. (4)
168. The Armageddon Factor. (4)
169. Terminus. (5)
170. The Happiness Patrol. (7)
171. Colony in Space. (3)
172. Galaxy 4. (1)
173. Four to Doomsday. (5)
174. The Power of Kroll. (4)
175. The Gunfighters. (1)
176. Silver Nemesis. (7)
177. Arc of Infinity. (5)
178. The Web Planet. (1)
179. The Monster of Peladon. (3)
180. Delta and the Bannermen. (7)
181. The King’s Demons. (5)
182. The Mutants. (3)
183. The Sensorites. (1)
184. The Creature from the Pit. (1)
185. Warriors Of The Deep. (5)
186. Dragonfire. (7)
187. The Time Monster. (3)
188. Meglos. (4)
189. The Horns Of Nimon. (4)
190. The Space Museum. (1)
191. The Dominators. (2)
192. Fear Her. (10)
193. Paradise Towers. (7)
194. The Underwater Menace. (2)
195. The Space Pirates. (2)
196. Time-Flight. (5)
197. Underworld. (4)
198. Time and the Rani. (7)
199. Timelash. (6)
200. The Twin Dilemma. (6)

The worst injustice is The Daleks’ Master Plan coming as low as 42nd; I think this is probably because few have settled down to the whole 12-episode saga in a frame of mind to appreciate it. I will never understand the popularity of Remembrance of the Daleks, but the most over-rated story in the poll for my money is The Faceless Ones, which if it weren’t for Pauline Collins should have been in the last ten, and in no way deserves even the rather low rank of 122nd.

One thought on “The DWM top 200

  1. I can’t think of anything post WW2 although Argentina and Chile came very close to going to war in 1978 over the Beagle Channel.
    Weren’t there some minor border skirmishes between Ecuador and Peru in the mid 90s, some kind of territorial dispute? IIRC that’s been simmering since the 40’s sparking into open,if relatively smal scale, hostilities on a couple of occasions since. Going further back, the last major interstate war in South America is, I think, the Chaco War 1932-35, fought over the Gran Chico region mistakenly thought to be rich in oil.
    All of which raises the question of why major interstate conflict has been so rare in the past century or so. I could hazard a few guesses if you like?

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