The Kennedy Center

I’m giving a lecture at the Kennedy Center in October. Not, I’m sorry to say, the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington DC; nor (even more exciting) the John F Kennedy Space Center in Florida; nor, alas, the John F Kennedy School of Government in Harvard; nor even the Robert F Kennedy Center for Human Rights in Washington DC; but in fact the David M Kennedy Center for Intrernational Studies, part of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. David M Kennedy (no relation to the others) was Nixon’s first treasury secretary, and also a Mormon bishop; no Mormon has ever held a higher position in the US government. In 1971 Nixon sacked him and replaced him with John Connally, the guy who was in the same car when President Kennedy was assassinated. It will be an interesting trip.

One thought on “The Kennedy Center

  1. Another series in the same vein I recommend is “America: Emprie of Liberty”, available on CD The perspective on the early days is particularly interesting (and most definitely not the dross we were taught in school!)

    What I’ve heard of History of the World in 100 Objects is excellent; however, I’m not doing very well with it – the individual segments are on in the day when I’m at work; the omnibus edition is Fridays at 9:00 and I always fall asleep in the middle of it. I also have a bad habit of falling asleep when I try to use the “listen again” function. I was going to buy the book when I was in the British Museum last week, but it’s huge and I had to get home on the train in the travel chaos. I wish it was available on CD, because I really like the narration on it.

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