The LiveJournal Meme

Seen in various places:

1. Which 5 LJ friends have you known longest?

(actually also met the same weekend as the last three but on the second night of the con ratehr than the first). I met many years back but didn’t really get to know her then.

2. Is/are your significant other/s on LJ?


3. Do you have LJ friends you’ve never met in real life?


4. Do you have friends that you met first on LJ, then in real life?


5. Do you discuss personal information in your LJ?

Yes, though some topics will remain off-limits.

One thought on “The LiveJournal Meme

  1. Oh, and I have a massive soft spot for Strata, which showed a different side of Terry, and one I’d have liked to see more of, before he got sucked into The Discworld.

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