The Supernatural Enhancements, by Edgar Cantero

Second paragraph of third day’s entry:

And the worst thing that can happen is that they ask you permission to take a picture.

This was one of the submissions for the Clarke Award which was not really suitable for consideration but which was interesting enough for me to come back to. It’s a haunted house story, the house being in Virginia, the story being of the young new English heir to the property and his mute Irish girlfriend, uncovering a mystery of codes and performative mystery-solving, with a global and weird aspect to it. It is intriguingly put together in documentary style, diary entries, transcripts from CCTV films, notes written by the mute Niamh, giving the sense of a puzzle whose pieces are being fitted together by protagonists and readers alike. There is then a massive twist at the end which slightly undermined a lot of the preceding narrative for me, but still I rather enjoyed it. You can get it here.

This was my top unread book acquired in 2015. Next on that pile is Pete Townsend’s autobiography, Who I Am.