Hah. Ronald Reagan’s died. Now, if Gerald Ford can only make it to November 2006, he’ll beat Reagan’s record (93 years, 4 months) as the oldest President ever.
If Ford survives to November 2007, he’ll beat his old boss Richard Nixon’s record as the man to have lived longest (33 years, 3 months) after being Vice-President.
And if he makes it to September 2008, he’ll pass Herbert Hoover’s record as the man to have lived longest (31 years, 8 months) after being President.
He’ll still have two otherwise unremarkable ex-Vice-Presidents to outlive at that point, one of whom almost made it to his 99th birthday. Though Ford, who despite his reputation for clumsiness was probably the most athletic President ever, may well make it that far as well.
First preference map is on RTÉ News, which is actually an imprssive overall site with a very nice breakdown. Basically, Labour won half of Dublin and one other seat, SF got Donegal SW and everywhere else was FG.
But FPTP would need breakups into sub districts and of course voters behave differently…
Campaigned on 4 specific policies and is getting all of them? Think he already did 😉