Whoniversaries 1 November

broadcast anniversaries

1 November 1975: broadcast of second episode of Pyramids of Mars. Scarman and the mummies chase the Doctor and Sarah around the Priory. I was just watching this the other day and it is still brilliant.

1 November 1980: broadcast of second episode of Full Circle. The Marshmen take the Tardis, with Romana inside it, and she gets to meet the spiders at close quarters.

1 November 1986: broadcast of first episode of Terror of the Vervoids (ToaTL #9), and first appearance of Bonnie Langford as Mel. She and the Doctor investigate mysterous goings on aboard the spaceliner Hyperon III.

1 November 1989: broadcast of second episode of The Curse of Fenric. Mysterious goings-on with Millington and the Haemovores.

1 November 2010: broadcast of first episode of The Empty Planet (SJA).

Four months down, eight to go!

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