Whoniversaries 10 December

i) births and deaths

10 December 1921: birth of Anthony Coburn, writer of the very first Doctor Who story, An Unearthly Child (and also of the unbroadcast The Masters of Luxor).

ii) broadcast anniversaries

10 December 1966: broadcast of sixth episode of The Power of the Daleks. The Daleks start to take over but the Doctor manages to overload their circuits and destroy them.

10 December 1977: broadcast of third episode of The Sun Makers. Leela is captured and is to be executed by steaming (a particularly gruesome fate).

10 December 2006: broadcast of Random Shoes (Torchwood), the one with Eugene the dead guy and the alien eye.

iii) dates specified in canon

10 December 1981: Sarah Jane Smith fails to pick Brendan Richards up from school. (K9 and Company).

10 December 1983: Bernice Summerfield is reunited with her father. (In Kate Orman’s Return of the Living Dad, published 1996; there are a number of Orman novels with dates specified in December.)

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