Whoniversaries 10 February

i) births and deaths

10 February 1928: birth of John Ringham, who played Tlotoxl in The Aztecs (1964), Josiah Blake in The Smugglers (1966), and Robert Ashe in Colony in Space (1971).

10 February 1939: birth of Peter Purves, who played the First Doctor’s companion Steven Taylor in 1965-66 and has done a couple of Big Finish Companion Chronicles since (in 2007 and 2010, and another one due this month).

ii) broadcast anniversaries

10 February 1968: broadcast of second episode of The Web of Fear. Jamie and Victoria meet up with Travers, after many decades, and his daughter Anne; the Yeti close in on the soldiers; the Doctor is still missing.

10 February 1973: broadcast of third episode of Carnival of Monsters. The Drashigs have escaped and are wreaking havoc inside the Miniscope; Kalik and Orum hatch a plan to use them to overthrow their own government.

10 February 1979: broadcast of fourth episode of The Armageddon Factor. The Doctor and Romana create a temporary sixth segment and trap the Marshal in a time loop; Princess Astra is oddly fascinated by the Key to Time.

10 February 1996: broadcast of fourth episode of The Ghosts of N-Space on BBC Radio. In the 16th century, the Doctor and Sarah uncover Vilmio’s plan to take over the world using N-Space; in the 20th century, the Brigadier and Jeremy defend the castle.

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