Nothing that caught my eye for this date.
ii) broadcast anniversary
11 July 1964: broadcast of ‘Hidden Danger’, the third episode of the story we now refer to as The Sensorites, having been postponed for a week because of Wimbledon and cricket. Starts with Susan being uncharacteristically assertive against her grandfather, the Doctor (this is one of her best stories as a character). Team Tardis (apart from Barbara, who is getting a couple of weeks off) then travel to the city of the Sensorites, who are internally divided about talking to them; and as they sit down to eat, Ian collapses to the ground, poisoned. (Cue theme music.)
iii) date specified in story
11 July 1982: was the day of the World Cup final 28 years ago, as it is today. Little did anyone realise that the Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard were averting invasion of Earth by the Threllips, as revealed in the Big Finish audio special, Living Legend (a successfully humorous short play).
My Ulster Bank credit cards have had no problems at all that I am aware of.
It actually probably hasn’t got anything to do with prioritising customers per se. But id does have to do with relative size of bank. I don’t know what the numbers of customers accounts are, but it’s probably tens of millions for NatWest and a bit less for RBS, vs. hundreds of thousands for Ulster Bank, and for efficient batch processing under time constraints you almost always kick off the big batches first and schedule the smaller ones to run when the large ones are done.