I considered commemorating the births of Stubby Kaye (1918) and June Whitfield (1925) but since neither appeared in more than one Doctor Who story – respectively Delta and the Bannermen (1987) and The End of Time I (2009) – I decided I wouldn’t mention them.
11 November 1967: broadcast of first episode of The Ice Warriors. Britannica base, fighting a new Ice Age enveloping Britain (and the whole planet) finds a frozen humanoid and three people arriving from the Tardis.
11 November 1978: broadcast of third episode of The Stones of Blood. The Doctor finds the hyperspace ship and is confronted by the Megara; Amelia and K9 have to deal with the Ogri.
11 November 1913: the Doctor defeats the Family of Blood, as seen in, er, The Family of Blood (2007).
Facebook and Twitter: the art of unfriending or unfollowing people
Reading that article makes me very thankful that I don’t have any such social media presence!