17 February 1916: birth of David Blake Kelly, who played the captain of the Mary Celeste in The Chase (1965) and Jacob Kewper in The Smugglers (1966).
ii) broadcast anniversaries
17 February 1968: broadcast of third episode of The Web of Fear, introducing Nicholas Courtney as Colonel (later Brigadier) Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart. The Doctor reappears with a mysterious colonel; the Yeti attack the base to retrieve the model.
17 February 1973: broadcast of fourth episode of Carnival of Monsters. Kalik and Orum release the Drashigs, but Vorg is able to destroy them, and the Miniscope is deactivated.
17 February 1979: broadcast of fifth episode of The Armageddon Factor. The Doctor meets up with Drax; K9 is evil; Romana and Astra are still captives.
17 February 1996: broadcast of fifth episode of The Ghosts of N-Space on BBC Radio. The Doctor and Sarah return to 1818, where they unsuccessfully try to save Louise and Giuseppe.
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