Whoniversaries 21 December

i) births and deaths

21 December 1915: birth of James Cairncross, who played Lemaitre in The Reign of Terror (1964) and Beta in The Krotons (1968-69).

21 December 1991: death of Colin Douglas who played Donald Bruce in The Enemy of the World (1967-68) and Reuben in Horror of Fang Rock (1977).

21 December 1998: death of Roger Avon, who played Saphadin in The Crusade (1965), Daxtar in The Daleks’ Master Plan (1965) and Wells in the film Daleks – Invasion Earth 2150 AD (1966).

ii) broadcast and stage anniversaries

21 December 1963: broadcast of “The Dead Planet”, first episode of the story we now call The Daleks. The Doctor, Ian, Susan and Barbara land on a strange world with a petrified forest and an abandoned city. But what is it that terrifies Barbara at the end?????

21 December 1965: first performance of the stage play Curse of the Daleks, by David Whitaker and Terry Nation.

21 December 1968: broadcast of eighth episode of The Invasion. Tobias Vaughn changes sides and helps defeat the Cybermen, though he too is killed.

21 December 1988: broadcast of second episode of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. Ace is captured by the clowns; the Doctor is forced to perform for the circus.

One thought on “Whoniversaries 21 December

  1. too many years of bloody marching bagpipe bands and 12ths of July and boys brigade… I hate them. Wish I’d grown up in a world of steel drums.

    Now, why is that popping into your head Mr W?

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