Whoniversaries 22 January

i) births and deaths

22 January 1950: birth of Pamela Salem, who played Toos in The Robots of Death (1977) and Rachel Jensen in Remembrance of the Daleks (1988).

22 January 1993: birth of Tommy Knight who plays Sarah Jane Smith’s adopted son Luke in the Sarah Jane Adventures (2007-).

22 January 2008: death of Kevin Stoney, the day before his 87th birthday; he played Mavic Chen in The Daleks’ Master Plan (1965-66), Tobias Vaughn in The Invasion (1968), and Tyrum in Revenge of the Cybermen (1975).

ii) broadcast anniversaries

22 January 1966: broadcast of “The Abandoned Planet”, eleventh episode of the story we now call The Daleks’ Master Plan. The Doctor, Sara and Steven arrive on Kembel and release the Daleks’ prisoners; but Mavic Chen takes them captive.

22 January 1971: broadcast of fourth episode of Day of the Daleks. The Controller lets the Doctor and Jo return to the twentieth century, and Shura blows up Styles’ house with the Daleks in it.

22 January 1977: broadcast of fourth episode of The Face of Evil. Xoanon becomes sane and the Tesh and Sevateem agree to live in peace; Leela leaves with the Doctor.

One thought on “Whoniversaries 22 January

  1. Puerto Rico offers another point of interest – if they are accepted as a state, they will be 29th in terms of population (3.7 million). Hispanics tend to vote Democrat, and were already increasing in number. So, President Clinton, presumably, next?

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