Whoniversaries 24 November

broadcast and webcast anniversaries

24 November 1979: broadcast of first episode of Nightmare of Eden. Two spaceships collide coming out of hyperspace; the Doctor, Romana and K9 start to uncover murky doings with the addictive drug vraxoin.

24 November 2008: broadcast of second episode of The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith. Sarah’s parents sacrifice themselves to prevent the Graske’s plan.

24 November 2009: release of fourth episode of Dreamland.

One thought on “Whoniversaries 24 November

  1. Culture changes in time as well as in space, so even if the author of the first article’s children were being brought up in the UK, they may well still have ended up having childhoods that differed radically from their mother’s. I find it extremely hard to relate to the childhood experiences that the children I know now have, because they live in a world of television, computer games, smartphones, the internet, etc. where I grew up with books and the radio.

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