Whoniversaries 28 January

i) births and deaths

28 January 1938: birth of Christopher Coll, who played Phipps in The Seeds of Death (1969) and Stubbs in The Mutants (1972).

28 January 1976: death of James Mellor, who played Sean Flannigan in The Wheel in Space (1969) and Varan in The Mutants (1972).

ii) broadcast anniversaries

28 January 1967: broadcast of third episode of The Underwater Menace. This is the first surviving Troughton episode, the one with the appalling dance of the fish-people and “NUZZINK IN ZE VURLD CAN STOP ME NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!” I would swap it for any of the dozen lost Troughton episodes which preceded it.

28 January 1978: broadcast of fourth episode of Underworld. The Trogs are rescued by Jackson and the Doctor, and the P7E is blown up.

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