29 January 1930: birth of William Emms, author of TV story Galaxy 4 (1965) and the widely forgotten Sixth Doctor book, Mission to Venus (1986).
29 January 1976: birth of Mark Clapham, author and co-author of various Doctor who novels and books.
ii) broadcast anniversaries
29 January 1966: broadcast of “The Destruction of Time”, twelfth episode of the story we now call The Daleks’ Master Plan. The Doctor activates the Time Destructor, killing the Daleks, but also aging Sara Kingdom to death. Last appearance of Jean Marsh as Sara Kingdom, though she comes back again as Morgaine in 1989.
29 January 1972: broadcast of first episode of The Curse of Peladon. The Doctor and Jo arrive on Peladopn and are mistaken for the Earth delegation of ambassadors adjudicating Peladon’s application to join the Federation.
29 January 1977: broadcast of first episode of The Robots of Death. The Tardis lands on a giant mobile sandminer, whose crew are being murdered one by one.
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