15 July 1941: birth of Geoffrey Burgon, who composed the memorable incidental music for Terror of the Zygons and The Seeds of Death Doom (thanks, ), and also the music for Monty Python’s Life of Brian and much else besides.
I have no doubt someone has already told you but one of the Irish papers (sadly didn’t find out which) is doing a History of Ireland in a 100 objects sort of thing. Also, at the conference I was just at one of the presenters finished his talk by saying how fantastic Flann O’Brien’s work was.
I have no doubt someone has already told you but one of the Irish papers (sadly didn’t find out which) is doing a History of Ireland in a 100 objects sort of thing. Also, at the conference I was just at one of the presenters finished his talk by saying how fantastic Flann O’Brien’s work was.