
It’s all a bit of a blur, so far. Arrived Thursday, regstered; went (with ) to the panel on how to enjoy Worldcon; did panel on “The Digital Divide” which was efficiently and academically chaired by Renee Sieber, the other two panellists being and and (who has already written it up) and also feauring and Ken MacLeod; then an hour’s break mostly talking to but also following up on the strange story of a George Washington portrait which I shall write up properly some time; then the panel I was most nervous about, on Doctor Who, chaired by Paul Cornell who wrote “Father’s Day”. But in fact it went really well, and as Paul I think said, it must be very difficult to run a bad panel on Doctor Who at an event like this.

After that I was free to spend (not too much) more money in the dealers’ room; went to Dave Langford’s presentation on Ansible with and about The Prize in the Game, and then to bed.

I now have two panels consecutively at 10 and 11 and am moderating the second of them. After that will exploit the rest of the day!

One thought on “Worldcon

  1. I recommend “Mythago Wood” and would love to hear your thoughts on “A Princess of Roumenia”, since I really enjoyed some of Mr. Parks’ other works and am curious about this one.

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