
Our number two man in Tbilisi got his story published on the Observer web site. That will help raise the profile of the Ajara problem with the international community; we’re starting of course from a very low base…

But I do feel vindicated. I used up a lot of shoe leather three months ago warning people that there was trouble brewing; it duly brewed, but the problem was resolved. Always difficult to point to cause and effect in these things but it’s nice to know we at least got it right, whether or not we helped with the resolution of the problem.

One thought on “Ajara

  1. I like to think that “Search Out Space” is canonical as a show-within-a-story, and that Seven and Ace have had to make a kids’ show together as part of some typically convoluted plot. (It probably contains subliminal messages in some alien language meaning “THINK FOR YOURSELF. OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT”)

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