Thanks, everyone, for your immensely helpful comments on my previous post. It is clear to me from the discussion that there are only two serious reservations about Android, and since I do not intend to increase my current number of sexual partners, only one of those two really matters: its ability to talk to my employers’ Microsoft Exchange server. I need it to synchronise accurately not only emails but also calendar, contacts and notes. Does anyone have any further experience of doing this?
(Suggestions to the effect that I stop using Microsoft Exchange may risk getting you de-friended and banned. If I had a choice about it I wouldn’t be asking the question in this way.)
Hmm, I appreciate that more unpacking may be necessary, but some of the proposed Habsburg or French suitors were a pretty far stretch – were there really so few Protestants in similar situations?
And, Habsburgs apart, are there ever any German princelings mentioned in this context at all?