Aurora: Beyond Equality, eds Vonda N. McIntyre and Susan Anderson

Second paragraph of third story (“The Mothers, the Mothers, How Eerily It Sounds” by David Skal):

He looked at the stars. More of them, every year more of them, just as the elders had promised. The air had been angered once by the earth man had been the cause of the quarrel, and thus had been denied the light of stars. Digger had heard the tale a hundred times and had no doubt of its truth. The elements must never be angered again, lest man be denied more than starlight.

I had got hold of this 1976 anthology mainly because it is the first publication of the Hugo and Nebula-winning story, “‘Houston! Houston! Do You Read?'”, by James Tiptree Jr. The rubric of the anthology is “Amazing Tales of the Ultimate Sexual Revolution”, the editors sayiong in their preface that they wanted fiction that explored what the world might look like after equality between the sexes had been achieved. They didn’t really get it, but it’s a good anthology anyway.

In fact it incudes two stories by the same author, as the editors were not aware that Tiptree and Racoona Sheldon were the same person. It also includes the first chapter of Woman on the Edge of Time, by Marge Piercy, and Ursula Le Guin’s non-fiction essay “IS Gender Necessary?” A couple of the others are real duds, but the good pieces are very good, and I think it’s a useful representation of both how far sf had come in 1976 and how much farther there still was to go. You can get it here.