I shall be in London on Saturday morning, and had been planning to do a historic walk – however, it looks like the weather will not be suitable. Instead I think I will go and see the Bagpuss and Clangers exhibition at the V&A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green. Would anyone like to join me? I’d want to get there promptly at 10, and leave in time for my 1pm train home.
Girl in the Fireplace is something special. Oddly enough it reminded me of “The Inner Light” episode of Star Trek Next Gen. It has this special sense of a compressed human life which gives it a resonance that really make it stand out.
Fond of the Impossible Planet/Satan Pit story in part because of the very great voice of Gabriel Voice – the same voice of ultimate evil from Pyramids of Mars. One day I will steal and absorb the voice of Gabriel Woolf. And then all will fear me.