Best Short Story Hugo, 2022

As I’m Deputy Administrator this year, I’m not going to record my own preferences, just the fact that I’ve read each category as I work through them.

Interesting variation of format in the Short Story category, with one a Twitter thread of functional screenshots from a text conversation, and another told through Wiki-style edits. Also I noted two different takes on the afterlife.

“Mr. Death”, by Alix E. Harrow. Second paragraph of third section:

I couldn’t see her, but I could sort of sense her: a soft, amber gaze hovering at the edges of the hospital room, watching the labored rise and fall of my chest. 

“Proof by Induction”, by José Pablo Iriarte. Second paragraph of third section:

The chaplain sighs. “The equipment will be cleaned and reused, except for the actual leads that connected to his scalp, which are disposed of.”

“The Sin of America”, by Catherynne M. Valente. Second paragraph of third section:

There’s a woman outside of Sheridan sitting on a threadbare bluebell-patterned cushion a dead lady once thought was so classy and beautiful it would turn her into a better person so she bought the whole bolt of fabric without even looking at the price.

“Tangles”, by Seanan McGuire. Second paragraph of third section:

They were just . . . stuck.

“Unknown Number”, by Blue Neustifter. Second paragraph of third screenshot:

I am literally five seconds from blocking this number.

“Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather”, by Sarah Pinsker. Second paragraph of commentary on third verse:

Ellen and her sisters represent the three Fates. –Dynamum

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  1. Pingback: Best Novelette Hugo, 2022 | From the Heart of Europe

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