Back home, and counting the cost of my visit to P-Con and then to Hodges Figgis and Waterstone’s on Dawson Street the next day:
Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov
The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges
Forbidden Acts ed. Nancy A. Collins
The DisContinuity Guide: The Unofficial Doctor Who Companion by Paul Cornell et al
The Portadown News by Newton Emerson
Take Back Plenty by Colin Greenland
Seasons of Plenty by Colin Greenland
Mother of Plenty by Colin Greenland
5th Interzone Anthology
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
Swords in the Mist by Fritz Leiber
Irish Tales of Terror ed. Jim McGarry
Lost Lives by David McKittrick et al
George and Sam by Charlotte Moore
Expiration Date by Tim Powers
Sourcery by Terry Pratchett
The Hidden Family by Charles Stross
Easter 1916: The Irish Rebellion by Charles Townshend
The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe
The Seeds of Time by John Wyndham
OK, I’m giving up books for Lent. Or something.
In this case, one!