De-stressing meme (thanks to )

I’ve been tagged for this by , and it’s fairly timely – some people tell me that I appear to be a generally stressed and tense individual, which worries me as my own self-image is of someone who is often much too relaxed!

Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. When you are mindless, bored and need a way to suck away time. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

  1. Browsing in bookshops. I don’t even have to buy, though I find it helps even more to lower my stress levels if I do. But just taking half an hour to an hour of wandering around the shelves, flicking through the pages, is very relaxing.
  2. Reading. Especially tucked up in bed, with nice fresh mug of coffee, even more effective if the weather outside is a howling gale with heavy rain.
  3. Watching TV/DVD/video with Anne. We’ve only just got back into a routine of doing this, but are swiftly working our way through Season Seven of Buffy. Then we have ‘s copies of Firefly to get through. Although it’s against the spirit of the quiz, which comes close to specifying things you do on your own, I much prefer watching with Anne to watching films on my own – that usually happens only on transatlantic flights, or stuck in a hotel room on a work trip.
The meme doesn’t say you have to think of five things, and I’ve sort of run out after those three. Maybe I really am tense and stressed.

Tagging: a bunch of you have already done this, but I can’t remember who. If you have, then reply saying so and I’ll see how similar your relaxing methods are to mine.

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