Back from US. Stop into office to look at 300 unread emails. Now off to Sweden until tomorrow night. See you later…
Edited to add: the meeting in Sweden is so secret that the government has put the entire programme on-line!
Back from US. Stop into office to look at 300 unread emails. Now off to Sweden until tomorrow night. See you later…
Edited to add: the meeting in Sweden is so secret that the government has put the entire programme on-line!
I quite like The Mutants, although it’s been a few years since I last watched it. Looking forward to the inevitable DVD release to rewatch it. It’s one of those stories that’s a bit too campy/preachy for its own good, but still quite thought-provoking in parts. It’s more well-paced than most of the Pertwee 6-parters, plus it takes place on a planet that feels genuinely alien for once — one of the few Who planets where the air isn’t breathable to humans. And I sort of love the fact that the mutations turn out not to be mutations — it’s a genuinely neat twist. But we’ll see how it holds up when I re-watch it next time….