Imminent travels

Right, am off to the airport to drop Anne, Fergal and Ursula for their flight to Birmingham: off to stay with Anne’s sister and family near Swindon for a couple of days, then Kidderminster and Anne’s parents for another couple of days, returning I think on Thursday.

And tomorrow I go on what I hope is my last extended trip of the year: three days at a staff meeting in Prčanj, Montenegro (forecast temperature 21°C, 70°F), followed by 24 hours in Vienna (forecast temperature 13°C, 55°F) and then the weekend in Kiev (forecast temperature 8°C, 46°F), returning on Monday 7th. It will be my first time in Ukraine, though not in Austria or Montenegro.

One thought on “Imminent travels

  1. There’s a hidden setting in Android that lets you set Wifi to disconnect as soon as you’re no longer actively using it. I’ve enabled that, and I think that feature alone has gained me about 6 hours of battery life.

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