Indigo, by Clemens J. Setz

Second paragraph of third chapter:

Danach wurden der Frau fünf Kinder vorgeführt, unter denen sie tatsächlich eines mit bläulicher Aurafärbung zu erkennen meinte. Da natürlich niemand sonst im Studio diese Farbe sehen konnte, wurde ein zweiter Test gemacht: Der Frau wurden die Augen verbunden und dieselben Kinder noch einmal an ihr vorbeigeführt. Diesmal meinte die Frau, sie habe bei Nr. 3 einen stechenden Kopfschmerz empfunden. Obwohl Kind Nr. 3 nicht mit dem ursprünglich identifizierten identisch war, wurde dieses Experiment als irgendwie gelungen bewertet, zumindest klatschten die Zuschauer lange und begeistert, auch ein paar Zeitschriften brachten Artikel über die seltsame Fledermausfrau. Then five children were presented to the woman, among whom she actually claimed to pick out one with a bluish tinge to his aura. Since no one else in the studio could see this color, of course, a second test was done: The woman was blindfolded, and the same children were presented to her again. This time the woman said that with no. 3 she felt a stabbing headache. Even though child no. 3 was not the same one she had originally identified, this experiment was somehow judged a success, at least the audience clapped enthusiastically for a long time, and a few magazines published articles on the strange bat woman.

Indigo syndrome is a condition that makes people feel seriously ill if they are near you. Clemens Setz (a fictional character in the novel by the writer of the same name) used to teach at an institute for children with Indigo syndrome, but got fired. Apart from that I found it really difficult to follow what was going on, though it did remind me of The Capital by Robert Menasse, the other Austrian novel I read recently. You can get it here.

This was the sf book that had lingered longest unread on my shelves, and also the top unread book that I acquired in 2015. Next on those oiles are Hive Monkey, by Gareth Powell, and Valley of Lights, by Steve Gallagher.


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