January Books 15) The Scarlet Empress, by Paul Magrs

This is the first of Magrs’ Doctor Who novels, and also the first to feature the peculiar Iris Wildthyme, who claims to be a the Doctor’s girlfriend from the old days in Gallifrey, driving around in a Tardis in the shape of a double-decker London bus. I find Magrs a bit variable but this was a good start to his Who career, a quest narrative set on the peculiar magical planet of Hyspero, with everyone looking for their own particular goals, including a couple of additional companions picked up on the way. The Doctor/Sam relationship is back on form, and the Doctor’s dynamic with Iris – combined irritation and affection – works rather well. Having said which, as with all quest narratives, it’s a bit episodic and the end doesn’t quite flow from the middle. But after a couple of less impressive Eighth Doctor adventures I feel the series was getting back on form here.

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